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AB-Therapeutics to Present at the 5th Annual European Life Science CEO Forum for Partnering & Investing in Zurich (Switzerland), March 6-7, 2012.
1 de març de 2012
AB-Therapeutics, SL announced today that Carles Domenech, PhD, Chief Executive Officer and co-Founder, will be presenting at the 5th Annual European Life Science CEO Forum for Partnering & Investing, March 6-7, 2012, at the Hilton Zurich Airport Hotel in Zurich (Switzerland). The conference gathers European investors and biopharmaceutical executives.
Dr. Domènech will present a company overview and will pursuit AB-Therapeutics’s ongoing contacts with the industry and investors.
About AB-Therapeutics
AB-Therapeutics is a drug research and development company founded in 2009 with headquarters in Bellaterra (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) at Research Park of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a planned US development office in Boston, Massachusetts (USA) in 2013.
AB-Therapeutics develops highly differentiated innovative cancer drugs, with a novel mechanism of action, called Lipid Analog Therapeutics. The company has two drug candidates in development: ABTL0812, which is completing preclinical development, with planned phase Ib clinical trials in lung cancer and pancreatic cancer starting in spring 2013; and ABTL1014, expected to start preclinical development in 1Q 2013.
Dr. Domènech will present a company overview and will pursuit AB-Therapeutics’s ongoing contacts with the industry and investors.
About AB-Therapeutics
AB-Therapeutics is a drug research and development company founded in 2009 with headquarters in Bellaterra (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) at Research Park of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a planned US development office in Boston, Massachusetts (USA) in 2013.
AB-Therapeutics develops highly differentiated innovative cancer drugs, with a novel mechanism of action, called Lipid Analog Therapeutics. The company has two drug candidates in development: ABTL0812, which is completing preclinical development, with planned phase Ib clinical trials in lung cancer and pancreatic cancer starting in spring 2013; and ABTL1014, expected to start preclinical development in 1Q 2013.
Notes de Premsa
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Notes de Premsa
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Notes de Premsa
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Notes de Premsa
AbilityPharma aconsegueix el 30% de la contractació estimada per al seu assaig clínic de fase 2b amb ABTL0812 + FOLFIRINOX com a tractament terapèutic de primera línia en càncer de pàncrees avançat + info
Notes de Premsa
AbilityPharma obté 1,5 milions d'euros de finançament no dilutiu de la propera generació de fons de la UE per aprofundir en l'estudi dels efectes immunomoduladors contra el càncer d'ABTL0812 + info
Notes de Premsa
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Notes de Premsa
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